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Too much protein may hurt your heart health

You may have heard or seen your friends and family "bulking up" on protein for the sake of gaining muscle...

You may have heard or seen your friends and family "bulking up" on protein for the sake of gaining muscle — but is it really a good idea? Medical News Today reports on this topic:

  • According to a study by the University of Pittsburgh published in the journal Nature Metabolism, consuming more than 22% of daily calories through proteins can increase the risk of atherosclerosis — the thickening of arteries caused by plaque buildup. Atherosclerosis increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • A significant protein intake contributes to increased levels of the amino acid leucine which plays a part in atherosclerosis development.

While lots of consumers prioritize protein in their nutrition, there may not be a shortage of protein in our diets. What is consumed too little is fiber.


Medical News Today 2024

Zhang et al. 2024

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