Introducing our Gut Health Canvas
In this series, we dive into the links between the gut and various aspects of our mental and physical health.
Physical Health: Heart Health

How is the heart affected by the gut?
- Certain gut microbes have been linked to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
- Gut microbes help produce different metabolites that act beyond the gut. One of such metabolites is butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that helps protect against widespread cardiovascular diseases.
- 👨 Trøseid et al. (2020) found that patients with heart failure had reduced gut microbiome diversity and depleted concentrations of Lachnospiracea, Faecalibacterium and Ruminococcacea families, resulting in reduced capacity for butyrate production.
👨 Research done in humans
🐭 Research done in mice
Zhang et al. 2022
Trøseid et al. 2020