B2B services

Seminar on Gut Health

Leadership & Food: How the microbiome influences our leadership and performance


  • 60 min interactive workshop for middle and top management
  • Pragmatic recommendations for busy professionals to optimize gut health and performance
  • Opportunity for companies to offer their employees a microbiome monitoring program
  • 20-500 participants


  • Leadership requires high physical and mental performance - how can it be optimized in everyday life?

  • In addition to sleep, fitness and stress management, nutrition is a significant lever to increase individual performance in a natural way

  • Proper nutrition can promote specific bodily functions (e.g. energy management, emotional balance, memory, weight loss)

  • According to the latest studies, the right diet must above all be microbiome-friendly, ie enable a balanced intestinal flora. It is not for nothing that the intestinal flora is referred to as our "second brain", because it controls (e.g. via the gut-brain axis) functions such as impulse control, resilience, sleep, and many more that are particularly important for executives

  • How can the intestinal flora be better understood and cared for in everyday life? How can this improvement process be tracked?

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