
Our Kimchis

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The Classics

Office Kimchi (coming soon!)

Your lunch companion and healthy snack between meetings.

  • Refreshing and firm to the bite: aged <3 months
  • All positive kimchi effects, milder taste
  • The Chardonnay among kimchis
View Office Kimchi products

Every Day Kimchi

The daily snack that is good for you.

  • Young and crisp, aged <3 months
  • Full taste, full experience
  • The Cabernet Sauvignon among kimchis
View Every Day Kimchi products

Weekend kimchi

Our weekend special for special enjoyment

  • Intense and deep: aged for >3 months
  • Full-bodied umami taste
  • The Shiraz among kimchis
View Weekend Kimchi products

Special offers

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microbiome management

Food that works for you

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