Doctor Kimchi News
Eating this food at least once a day can prevent weight gain
A recent study found that kimchi, a Korean dish rich in beneficial bacteria, can help fight excess kilograms. Link below.
Want to improve your mental health? Eat your greens.
Feeling down? Forget your usual comfort foods. Try eating your greens instead. Years of research underscores that eating more vegetables is not only good for your physical health, but it...
Das hilft dem Darm nach Antibiotika
Eine intakte Darmbesiedlung gilt schon lange als Standbein eines funktionierenden Immunsystems und einer geregelten Verdauung. Mehr noch, in Studien wird ihre Rolle gegen typische Zivilisationsleiden, etwa Diabetes, Rheuma, Allergien, Asthma,...
Press about Doctor Kimchi: Wieso das Fermentieren zu Unrecht in Vergessenheit geraten ist
Jetzt, wo viele Menschen damit beschäftigt sind, ihre Karnevalssünden zu tilgen und dem Körper mehr Gutes zu tun, kommt mir diese Gesprächspartnerin gerade recht. Lyudmyla Kovalenko stammt gebürtig aus der...
The nutritional cost of Christmas traditions
When it comes to food, very often it’s hard to estimate how much energy, or in fact, how many different nutrients are in it. Here we provide a quick comparison...
The futuristic comeback of fermentation
Fermented foods can offer answers to numerous customer needs around personal wellness and planetary health. Bolstered with the right technology, fermentation is a trend worth betting on.
Sustainability by design – a case study from a food startup
Black Friday has been extensively criticized with respect to sustainability, which hurts both consumers and companies. Consumers abandon their sustainability habits for the thrill of sizeable discounts, which leads to...
Fermentation: Mankind's oldest biotechnology
The fermentation trend has been growing steadily in the last 5 years. This growth is fueled by a variety of factors, such as the growing focus on one's health and...
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